HSE Aspects
CCTC has identified all risks and developed control measures to meet the minimum and reasonable acceptable industrial safety practices, which may exist as a result of company activities. CCTC positively and actively promotes occupational health protection of company employees and their sub-contractors. CCTC is committed to providing healthy working place.
CCTC has established the best safety practices, provides training as required and conducts operations in a way that eliminates risk to ALARP in order to avoid personnel injuries to employees and sub-contractors, and to protect property from potential damages. CCTC ensures that all feasible control measures are in place to protect communities against potential accidents and hazards that may result from company activities. CCTC assures that all products and equipment supplied to clients do not affect their safety or pose an adverse environmental threat.
CCTC has taken steps to minimize any adverse environmental affects through waste management procedures. Awareness campaign was made to minimize the generated waste, emission and effluents by improving the use and control of company’s resources. CCTC, as stated in the HSE Policy, is committed to protect the environment including natural habitat and safeguards site historical importance.
HSE Objectives
CCTC has established a policy to develop annual HSE Objectives by which it covers the major HSE issues of the current year with action plan. These objectives were reviewed and enforced by the CEO.
Safety Training
CCTC has considered safety as paramount and has policies and procedures that are implemented in all aspects of its business and operations. Since many of the projects are undertaken in operating plants in the oil and gas sectors, CCTC is very keen and aware of the procedures and clients training requirements. Implementation of such requirements are applied to employees and sub-contractors.